Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1953.
Third Edition; Eighth Printing. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good- dust jacket. Item #14632
Light cock, light tone, otherwise light wear; Dust Jacket 1/4" and smaller edge tears with creasing, light rub, otherwise light wear. Solid hardcover. ; "This is the classic work upon which modern-day game theory is based. ... In it, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern conceived a groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization, based on a theory of games of strategy. Not only would this revolutionize economics, but the entirely new field of scientific inquiry it yielded — game theory — has since been widely used to analyze a host of real-world phenomena from arms races to optimal policy choices of presidential candidates, from vaccination policy to major league baseball salary negotiations. And it is today established throughout both the social sciences and a wide range of other sciences." - Princeton University Press for 60th Anniversary. Attractive copy of the 8th Printing (1963), the fourth of the Third Edition (1953), in its uncommon dust jacket. ; x, (10), 641 pages.
Price: $499.95